I’m a Software Engineer
I’m a junior studying Computer Science at Minerva Schools at KGI. You can download my resume here or open it online here
Data visualization of car rides in the bay area. Github Repository: https://github.com/luccabb/comma.ai
Github Explorer
Github explorer, built using Github API and React. Github Repository: https://github.com/luccabb/github_explorer
Github Repositories
Github Repositories list, Fullstack application (Backend, Frontend, Mobile) built using Github API, React, React Native, and Node. Backend: https://github.com/luccabb/simple_node_local_backend. Frontend: https://github.com/luccabb/simple_react_frontend. Mobile: https://github.com/luccabb/simple_reactnative_frontend.
Marketplace App
Marketplace App, Frontend Mobile built with React Native. Github Repository: : https://github.com/luccabb/simple_react_native.
Platform to register NGOs help cases, fullstack application (Backend, Frontend, Mobile) built using React, React Native, and Node. Github Repository: https://github.com/luccabb/ngos.
Social Media
Social Media platform, build with Ruby on Rails. Github Repository: https://github.com/luccabb/sample_app.
Transactions Dashboard
Transactions Dashboard, Frontend and Backend built respectively with React and Node. Frontend: https://github.com/luccabb/node_transactions_react. Backend:https://github.com/luccabb/node_simple_transactions.